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A List of Seminars

Mathematics Group, Spring Semester 2024-25

Spring Semester 2024-25

This spring semester (2024-25) the Mathematics Group of graduate and doctorate students will continue. Organised by Anastasios Fragkos, Ioannis Oikonomidis, Chrisoula Tsismetzoglou and Konstantinos Bizanos.

The website for this semester:

Combinatorics & Probability in Athens

Saturday & Sunday 21-22/12/2024, Amphitheatre Karatheodory

It's probably good to attend this conference. They have decided to call it COMBRA (COMbinatorics & PRobability in Athens), possibly because combinatorians are tricksters, spivs and underground people. I still don't understand how they come up with their mathematical ideas.

Applied Analysis and PDEs Seminar, 2024 - Mini courses on Homogenization, Part III

Friday 22/11/2024, 15.00-16.00, A21

Dimitrios Gazoulis, Post-Doctorate, NKUA.

Mini courses on Homogenization Part II: The proof of the Homogenization theorem

We briefly recall the notion of H-convergence and the div-curl lemma that was proved in Part II of these series of lectures. Then, we provide an abstract setting in the spirit of Lax Milgram formulation that is utilized, together with the compensated compactness theorem, to complete the proof of the Homogenization theorem. Finally, we will prove the corrector result stated in the previous lecture, that gives an approximation for the solutions to the Homogenization problem.

Notes: http://users.uoa.gr/~dgazoulis/

Applied Analysis and PDEs Seminar, 2024 - Mini courses on Homogenization, Part II

Friday 01/11/2024, 15.00-16.00, A21

Dimitrios Gazoulis, Post-Doctorate, NKUA.

Mini courses on Homogenization Part II: H-convergence and the Homogenization theorem

We introduce the notion of H-convergence for operators in divergence form that are not necessarily symmetric. We state the main properties of H-convergence and compare them with G-convergence. Then, we provide the main tool for the homogenization theorem based on compensated compactness, that is, the div-curl lemma. Finally, we state the homogenization theorem for H-convergence and define the corrector matrix that gives an approximation for the solutions of the homogenization problem, i.e. the corrector result.

Applied Analysis and PDEs Seminar, 2024 - Mini courses on Homogenization, Part I

Friday 25/10/2024, 15.00-16.00, A21

Dimitrios Gazoulis, Post-Doctorate, NKUA.

Mini courses on Homogenization Part I: Γ-convergence, G-convergence and their relation

We briefly introduce the notion of Γ-convergence and it's main properties together with two basic examples. The first example is the Γ-limit of the Modica-Mortola functional which relates phase transition type problems with minimal surfaces. The second, is an example from homogenization. Then, we introduce the notion of G-convergence for elliptic equations in divergence form and we state the homogenization theorem of G-convergence for elliptic operators. Finally, we illustrate the relationship between G-convergence with Γ-convergence and the second example stated in the beginning allow us to compare the G-limit with the weak* L limit.

We are UoA Festival, 2024

Saturday 19 to Monday 21/10/2024

From Saturday 19 to Monday 21/10, the UoA Festival will take place, in the centre of Athens (Historical building of the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens).

Everyone interested in studying mathematics in NKUA can find us there (open days to get to know the NKUA’s 42 departments, with the presence of members of the teaching and research staff). I will be representing the mathematics department Sunday 20/10, hours 12:00-16:00.

Applied Analysis and PDEs Seminar, 2024

Every Friday 15:15, Dept. of Mathematics NKUA, in A31 or A32

The webpage of this years seminar can be found below.

On Festum-π 2024

By Cédric Villani and Nicholas Alikakos

Cédric Villani on "Νέα Τηλεόραση Κρήτης".

Nicholas Alikakos on "Νέα Τηλεόραση Κρήτης".

Mathematics Group, Winter Semester 2024-25

Winter Semester 2024-25

After some discussion with the students of "Grad. Progr.: Mathematics" and with doctoral students of NKUA, Dept. of Mathematics, we proudly announce the creation of the first "Mathematics Group", organised by Anastasios Fragkos, Ioannis Oikonomidis, Chrisoula Tsismetzoglou, Konstantinos Bizanos and Vagelis Katsantonis.

The website for this semester:

Celebrating Women in Mathematics

20th of May 2024, Online

Lecture by A. Tzella, on advection, diffusion and geometry.

Festum-π, Chania 2024-25

08th of July 2024, Chania Crete

Summer school and research conference Festum-π.

Between others, C. Villani, C. Mouhot, M. Dafermos, N. Alikakos, P. Gianniotis will speak.

16th Panhellenic Geometry Seminar

27th-29th of September 2024, Amphitheatre "Καραθεωδορή"

The Departments of Mathematics of Greece organise the 16th panhellenic geometry seminar, which is in part dedicated to Dionisios Lappas and Maria Papatriantafillou.

Between others, I. Androulidakis, P. Gianniotis will speak.

A Hybrid Conference In Honour of Ioannis Stratis

4&5 of July 2023, "Κωστής Παλαμάς" Room

The Department of Mathematics of NKUA organises a seminar in honour of Ioannis Stratis, due to his recent retirement. You can find more information in the following link:

Between others, N. Alikakos, V. Bitsouni, D. Frantzeskakis, N. Gialelis will speak.

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